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This is some some seriously difficult shit! Not only do you have to pick just five games, but also somehow put them in order! (Captain Obvious approves)

Anyway, let's give it a try:

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)

Excellent story and gameplay. Lots of exploring and actually not very linear at some points (The three first adult temples could be done in any order, and once you've got them down you could choose between the last two as well). Several side-quests and memorable characters.

Favorite part: Versus Ganondorf and Ganon. Probably also my most favorite events in gaming overall.

2. Halo: CE (Xbox)

Another game with a great story, but its gameplay is what truly defines its awesomeness. If you somehow get tired of the campaign (which you can't) there's always system link that extends its replay value enormously.

Favorite part: The snow level. A tank + Warthog jeep + foot soldiers against several alien blockades = epic battles.

3. Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64)

The funniest gaming experience known to man! Combining platforming, horror (well, to some extend...), racing and shooting elements, this game features what might be the most varied gameplay ever! And the multiplayer even features massive warfare!

The protagonist? A FUCKING SQUIRREL!

Favorite part: The Dracula level. Never before have I laughed so much at a game, ever!

4. F-Zero GX (GC)

The greatest racer of all time in my opinion. With 30 vehicles per race at over 1000 km/h on lethal racetracks, it's hard to compete against this action-packed pile of awesomeness.

Favorite part: Probably all multiplayer gameplay. There's nothing more satisfying than blowing up one of your human opponents during races!

5. Super Mario 64 (N64)

This classic revolutionary 3D platformer remains my favorite to this day. All kinds of crazy levels and elements prevents you from getting tired of this game!

Favorite part: The credits. Not because the game is over at that point, but because it brings out so many memories =)