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1. God of War III
Reason: Love everything about it, everything. It was the perfect game for me.
Favourite Moment: Entire game! Damn, it's hard to pick just one moment, it's between Poseidon or Cronos...

2. Bioshock
Reason: I love the art style, it has great gameplay, a superb story and it has a stunningly beautiful score throughout.
Favourite moment: Sander Cohen.

3. Mass Effect 2
Reason: It's full of depth and has some of the best characterisation in a game ever. Great graphics, gameplay, story and sound.
Favourite Moment: The opening probably, or just generally travelling the galaxy.

4. Gears of War
Reason: This was my favourite game for years, I think the gameplay was genre defining, the characters and story are fun and interesting, the graphics at the time were mind-blowing, still looks great now. The music is great too.
Favourite Moment: First berserker encounter.

5. Alan Wake
Reason: Great story, beautiful visuals, memorable characters, fun gameplay and an amazing musical score.
Favourite moment: The stage fight.

I also adore, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, LittleBigPlanet, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee & Exoddus, TES IV: Oblivion, Fable: TLC and the rest of the games from the series in my top 5 games.