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This has probably been done before lots of times but anyways...

Recently, I've been thinking about what games I would consider my favourite so I came up with the idea of this thread.


Rules are:

1. Write the full game name (No abbreviations because SC could mean Soul calibur or Starcraft)

2. Give a reason. (Eg. The game had good story/gameplay... etc.)

3. Favourite moment in the game. (Eg. When the man in the chicken suit burst out of the flying shark into the sea of green bile.)

Now that I have gotten all the rules out of the way, here's my top 5: (Please do it in the same layout as me.)



1. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (3D)

Reason: Love the original and the 3D remake. Great gameplay, story and I loved exploring the dungeons.

Favourite Moment: When you pull out the master sword for the first time. That was just so awesome! :D


2. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Reason: I played this game when I was quite young and it was the first Zelda game I have ever played. I loved the graphics, gameplay and story.

Favourite moment: Final boss. I won't really go into much detail but it was really epic!


3. Uncharted 2: Among thieves

Reason: It has amazing graphics, great story. The cutscenes are so dynamic and well made.

Favourite Moment: The part where you are on the train.


4. Skies of Arcadia Legends

Reason: Great RPG game. I am not an RPG fan and it's really hard for me to get into them. This game was so amazing. Even though I never finished it (Stuck on the last boss.) I love it!

Favourite Moment: If only I can remember this game more. I played it when I was quite young so it's hard to remember.


5. Pokemon Black/White

Reason: Although some of the pokemon are Trubbish, it's still a really good game. It has the best story from any of the pokemon games and lots of new and different pokemon although some deserve to go into the Trubbish bin.

Favourite moment: When you fight 'N' Zekrom Versus Reshiram. That was an awesome fight.