Darc Requiem said:
There are "three endings" which is being generous because all the endings are essentially the same. They used the same recycled assets and they don't make sense because if the Charon Relay explodes the fate of Earth is the same no matter what your EMS is. Since the Charon and all other Relays go boom. The Sol System and just about every other system inhabited system is wiped out. Ignoring that sumo sized plot hole, you have the Alliance, Asari, Geth, Krogan, Quarian, and Salarian fleels orbiting a ruined Earth with no timely way to reach home. Turian and Quarians can't eat food from Earth. Earth is devastated and would not be able to support them if they could. That's all besides the point because you wipe out most life in Galaxy in the ending to Mass Effect no matter which color you choose. Or did Aratoht not really get wiped out in Arrival? |
I'm not debating whether or not theres plot holes because all of those are indeed issues I found as well, and are indeed numerous, there are other big ones that bothered me throughout.
I was just debating, that Bioware technically didn't lie on their forums. But, I guess I'm arguing semantics so bleh. haha.