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1. No matter what the case, games on a tablet will always be limited to the nature of a tablet. The ecosystem for tablets lends itself well towards cheap games that require daily logins for very short periods of time, but that is where it ends; it is a different type of game than what is played on consoles. The people playing Angry Birds are not replacing console gaming with it (most of them are non-gamers and would have never bought a console anyway), that's like saying that a popular beer commercial is an indication that beer commercials will one day replace the film industry.

2. The Wii U isn't being developed to capture the iPad audience. It began development a long time before anyone knew there was an iPad, let alone an iPad audience. Nintendo explained the development logic behind the Wii U last year. This is as ignorant as those articles that claim Wii and DS were created to capture the iPhone market.

3. Consoles will always be tailored towards playing games, and this aspect will always continue to expand. They will always be able to consume more power than a tablet, and will always have far greater accessibility to a much wider variety of games. For example, the most basic and simplest Wii motion games like Wii Sports and Just Dance, will never be possible on an a tablet. Yet they will be possible on all other consoles in the future.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.