Jazz2K said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Jazz2K said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Jazz2K said: Between the two it all comes to the Sony exclusives because that's the only place imo the Playstation shines. Look closely because if you don't like shooters a lot of PS3 exclusives franchises are fps (but 360 is said to be plagued by that... nevermind). Look at the exclusives that interrest you on the PS3 and it not enough of them spark your interrest then get a 360. Almost every multi games run better on 360 and it's the console that has more PC/360 exclusives and they're good. You might like multi games more than the exclusives also games like Assassin's Creed and Red Dead Redemption are a must. And even if you don't pay for Xbox Live or PSN both offer unique and amazing games via the arcade games (again don't listen to some here these are real complete games and a lot of them are amazing). Car games are equal on both (I don't know the Motorstorm series but heard it''s good) Fighting games get the edge on PS3 for extra characters on Mortal Kombat and SF vs Tekken PC ports are a no brainer... they're better on 360 RPG's a no brainer as well as 360 gets more of greater quality as long as you don't consider Final Fantasy to be the only good rpg out there. Adventure I would give it to Playstation There's also the motion games. Coming from the Wii you will feel at home with the PS Move as it's virtually the same but in HD. Kinect is what it is right now... still in child mode. Some games are interresting though but I wouldn't invest in one if I were you as you might have more fun with Wii games. You could save up to 100$ by going with 360 on the console alone. PSN is free and you can't complain when it's free. XBL is amputed when you don't have a gold account. |
How do you save $100 going with the 360? I saved more money with the PS3. Plus the PS3 is $50 cheaper.
Is the PS3 150$ now? Because if I go to any retailer a 360 will be 199.99$. Now you'll tell me that with wifi and online blablabla... Wifi comes bundled and you don't have to have a gold account. You also don't have to pay for the Kinect or a Hard drive, sure it's better if you have one though but the guy comes from the Wii which doesn't have one, a USB key will be good enough.
My family bought me a $199 360 and I had to put down $130 on the HD. If you're a gamer, its still cheaper to have a PS3. Stop making excuses. The Arcade slim is useless.
Explain how you had to buy an HDD and a 130$ one at that... how is it required to play games on 360?
A 360 is basically giving you what a PC's got minus the graphics and with an addition of Halo, Gears and Forza. Outside of that their exclusives and multiplats are touchable. He really cant go wrong if hes not into shooters.
So what if 360 and PC share games? Didn't the op said he didn't have a PC that was powerful enough to run games? You say you have a 360 but you don't seem to know much about it outside Halo, Gears and Forza. Just stop it.
And again, someone that is into shooters will get more shooters on PS3 than on 360 and a lot of them are exclusives... stop acting like there aren't any. And even if that person likes shooters... what's so bad about them. People act like there's some pride to not play shooters lol... wtf?!?
My family went the cheap route and got the arcade, because I wasn't about to buy another 360 because that was my second one which had red ringed. They bought the Slim arcade for $200. I went for a month of doing anything with it, because it had no games outside of Gears. I was still on a backlog of PS3 titles at the time. I finally got to renewing Live because my friends were bitching at me to renew it, so here I am. I ended up downloading a couple demos and buying Gears and the 4GB HD the Arcade had was shot. I had to fork out $130 for the extra HD (320 GB, Microsoft intentionally took out the cheaper HD which should've dropped to $99 to make it the equivalent of a console price all together), so essentially the PS3 is cheaper by $80 if gamer gets a slim by accident and has to replace the HD and cheaper by $50 with the HD in anyway.
You must not have been paying attention to the rest of what OP said, he said might have to upgrade his PC. It was then recommended that he overlook the 360 and upgrade the PC , then if he wants more games the PS3 is the next console of choice unless he wants Halo, Gears and Forza.
Sound reasonable enough?
Yes, Sony has more shooters, but as far as exclusive lineups are concened, they aren't dependent on them like Microsoft. Sony's variety speaks for itself, which is why people don't hold it down to shooters. It's a telling story really of where companies stand in terms of making or endorsing genres.