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zero129 said:
ishiki said:

that was an incredibly dumb statement.

Someone doesn't agree with you, and yet his second favorite game ever is mass effect 2 and he played it like 8 times.

yet, he's not a fan because he doesn't mind the ending in ME3. gah

Personally biowares done this before such as in ME2, killing the council does exactly nothing. And killing wrex, changes the cutsene a wee bit, as well, as ashley/kaiden having a extremely small role. 

I still don't think it was dumb. Hell i played ME1+2 lots of times, i only played ME3 once and wouldn't go back near it for another play, you know why?? cos the is no point when the outcome in the end is the same. Lets see how many times he goes back to play ME3 -_- , And imo He didn't pay much to the story in the last 2 games or this one leading up to the end, as if he did like the rest of us 50k+ fans, he would of seen all the loop holes, the un answered questions etc. He would of been pissed off about all the stuff we where promised right up until 1 month before the game released.

And it was not the same for ME2, as you're choices did affect the ending you got in that game.

Anyway if you where going to reply, instead of only taking one part of my post and calling it dumb, you could of also replyed to the rest of it. Such as bioware less then 2 months before the games release, saying how we wouldnt get an a,b,c ending etc., and then doing just that. Now that is dumb and misleading...

You attacked him being a mass effect fan, when he obviously is, because he doesn't share your viewpoint.

Developers always lie and overhype their own games, thus I don't care what they say. But thats me.

At the end of ME2, you decide whether to give the Collector data to the illusive man, or you don't
Some of the stuff during the game affects who dies on the last mission. But stuff you do during mass effect 3 affects who dies during the game. And the cutscenes at the end are slightly different depending on the galactic readiness.

To be clear, I am infact dissapointed by the single player campaign of ME3, however, I personally found the plot, and certain gameplay elements dissapointing and the ending was not out the general quality of the overall game, But that's my opinion.