zero129 said:
You really think the ending was fine??, just becos you have ME pictures as you're sig and profile pic i still don't think you're a real fan. If you where you would see all the loop holes in the ending, you would see how all the choices we where promised never even made it into the game (And this promises where made just a 1-2 months before the games release). Bioware where the ones who blew this out of proportion, not us fans. As they where the ones saying we won't only give you an a,b,c choice for the ending, the ending will mean something to the choices you make etc. Yes what do they do??, give us an a,b,c ending that's all pretty much the same... |
that was an incredibly dumb statement.
Someone doesn't agree with you, and yet his second favorite game ever is mass effect 2 and he played it like 8 times (if I remember).
yet, he's not a fan because he doesn't mind the ending in ME3. gah
Personally biowares done this before such as in ME2, killing the council does exactly nothing. And killing wrex, changes the cutsene a wee bit, as well, as ashley/kaiden having a extremely small role. Thus, it was no surprise to myself in ME3, when some of your decisions of the past has to do with who dies, and cutscenes. But it everything you did doesn't really change the general plot at all. Just little side stories, that appear/don't depending on what you did in the past.