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I'm starting this thread because I want to start this internet based anti-legislation group. 

The main focus of this group is to send emails to politicians, the media (news, radio, etc), Anti-Games Groups, and parent groups to try to educate and get word out that the ESRB works its just up to parents to learn. 

We wont be really working to be another ECA just to get the word out that there are responsible gamers and that the people who fly off the deep-end and kill people were already mentally unstable and video games were not the cause of.

No one who joins will expect anyone to actually go to an interview with a news agency or anything like that unless they very well want to.

Our main base of action will be this site. All members who join will be requested to have "GAIL Member" or "Member of GAIL" bolded and placed above anything else in your sig to display your pride as a member.

All members will also be requested to take an oath to become a non-biased gamers and poster on not just this message board but every message board they are apart of. Spreading the word of GAIL would be nice too. 

If you wish to join post here.


As for the first course of action I would request every member that live within the United States of America go to the Video Game Voters Network and use their first two forms to contact your state's representative about this issue. If you don't wish to type out your own message they have premade message that will be sent instead. Adding a picture to their wall of protest is optional. 

For non-USA members you currently have no direct assignments. If you have a way to contact your nation's politicians please do. 

For your second assignment, email/write a letter to your local newspapers or TV News stations and tell them your opinions on either illogical game legislation and what you think about government money being spent trying to stop an art form or why video games deserve to be looked at as an art form. Try to get who ever you email to run an article about it. 

Assignment 3 is similar to Assignment 2 as it has to do with writing letters to FOX News about the recent Jack Thompson interview. Write a letter about how he is not a credible resource. I would like to give Stof credit for suggesting this assignment.

Assignment 4 will be a difficult assignment. In the recent months there have been an increase in overall parental viewing of games as all violent, mature rated, murder simulating games. In order to combat this we need to send emails with proof that mature rated games are a minority in gaming. Use this website, GamePolitics. Write your emails to the PTA, and news outlets about how there are actually very few mature titles in existance.

Assignment 5 is an optional assignment. Spread the word of GAIL throughout VGChartz and the internet.  


Assignment 6:  Contact the UK Tabloid Star Now and tell them how you feel about their video games turn people into criminals article they are putting together.

Good Luck! 




- ssj12


Current results thanks to member support:

Email reply from Fox News:

"Thank Your concern on who we interview. We will look into this problem."


kenzomatic made us some awesome images for us to use, remember if you use these link the images to this thread.  Here are the images:


link to this thread is:


Thanks for the images Kenzo!



















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