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Mr Khan said:
In terms of me trying, the process isn't really going to start until i feel i am in a stable job, which may take a while. I mean, i do tend to like living with people if only to have someone to talk to, so it seems like marriage would be a nice thing to have

I always keep my eyes open for interesting girls (who are actually fricking available, if anyone recalls my thread lamenting the lack of singles my age), but i won't actively start seeking people until i have my own life in order.

Go younger then, 18-23 girls are a dime every 3 dozen. Just keep screwing around until you find one who you like sharing everything with, and whI likes sharing everything with you. I think you will know quickly whether or not she is right to marry; but I think before you know you are right you have to have plenty experience with women who are wrong - which can be fun too, but the the rewarding part is sharing your life with your wife's life.

I've been married for years now and have two children. Marriage is the easy and fun part. Children is the very difficult part (terrible two's are more like terrible age 1 and a half to almost 4), but in a way, it can creates an even stronger and more rewarding relationship. It's a very powerful life experience to share - and I recommend being there at all times helping your wife, even when you feel like you have given up and it is too much. In the end, you will feel more like a real man than any of life's other experiences can make you feel.

With the above people talking about a stable job first, I disagree, don't wait until getting to goal x, that turns your life into a boring process like a bad women's magazine with all sorts of rules about when to do what and what sort of people are desirable, and who are not (since it always changes anyway, by the year). Find your wife when you fall in love. It is easier to get a stable job when you have a stable relationship if you don't have the job yet.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.