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errorpwns said:
Gilgamesh said:
errorpwns said:
Chark said:
This is still going on? Both consoles look great. PS3 has more graphical potential than 360 but its not always taken advantage of. This difference can be hard to tell apart with an untrained eye and especially by those who don't play both systems or the games that specifically show graphically achievement. Multiplatform games are not a valid argument except for those games, because often times the difference has everything to do with developer, not the hardware. If you really want the best graphics in your games, then buy both systems and take advantage of the multiplatform difference, while still having the exclusive glory of each.

Where did you hear this bullock?  The PS3 and Xbox 360 share the same Memory/Graphics limitations.  Neither console can actually "best" the other at raw graphics power.  If Microsoft had first party developers that can fool people into believing their game is better by using cheap motion tricks, the Xbox 360 would have the "best" graphics of this generation.

You sir are completely ignoring the power of the CELL.

The "CELL" is a processor, not a graphics processor.  If the PS3 struggled with the most CPU intensive game in recent date: Skyrim.  Then the cell isn't really helping.  You're ignoring that both consoles have nearly identical graphic processors and the same exact amount of RAM.

You need to learn how a game works on a console. The Cell makes up for so much more for the graphics card and RAM, since there's 6 different processors programmers are able set each procesor with specific task like the physics for the game or lighting, instead of shoving it all in one. The problem with multiplat games like "skyrim" for example which I played and know all about, it's a memory leak problem that's why the game has such bad framerate the more you play it, my save file was 12 mb! the games broken (although turning off auto save makes a huge difference) but the faults in this game and other multiplats has nothing to do with the CPU is just bad porting.

Most games are made first by pc so porting to the Xbox 360 is very easy because the X360 is design very similar like a computer, the PS3 is not. That's why a lot of times companies have to get Sony employees to come in and help them make the game because it's to complicated. Most first party companies for the PS3 is use to the PS3 by now so there able to do so much with it, like the changes in the Uncharted series, or what the creators of Heavy Rain are doing now with there new tech demo,looks incredible, and other games like God of War, MGGS4, Killzone etc.

Anyway a video game console needs more then just a graphics card to make a game look great there's a lot of other components to it.