3. The reasoning the Catalyst gave was to prevent further chaos a complete and all out war would bring. My understanding was that in a 50,000 year cycle organics become too advanced and will lead to a completely chaotic situation whereby organics and synthetics battle continously for millenia. This is heavily hinted towards by the Geth and Javik's complete distrust of synthetic life. The Reapers pupose is to massacre advanced organics, not battle them in war. Anyway, the fact that Shephard made it into that room in the Citadel showed the Catalyst that the organics of this cycle had advanced to a point where the Reapers were now redundant and wouldn't be able to prevent the chaos they were originally designed to. This of course leaves more questions as to the nature of the Catalyst. |
I haven't analyzed everything, and likely won't, But I enjoyed those twists you mentioned. I think the catalyst could have been explained neatly as "God" or as a being higher than us or the reapers. Such as how we are to ants with an ant farm. However, in ME1 the reaper says "it's beyond human comprehension." and obviously their existance, is quite comprehenisible. Though this is something that generally occurs with stories over multiple sequals.
The other twists I liked was the passing on the plan for the crucible, cycle to cycle. I think another place for an ending that would've been cool, is if your galactic readiness isn't high enough. It allows you to preserve the information for the next cycle. Then maybe shows the next cycle beating them.
There's probably holes in the things I mentioned, but I would have rather had the game explore these issues as opposed to being an errand boy uniting the races. But, idk.
And I was pissed about morinth who was probably my favorite character from 2. all she got I think was an email. And you see her as a banshee. You never actually speak with her. :-/.