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HappySqurriel said:

Being that both systems use processors with similar die sizes that were produced using the same process you would expect them to perform in a similar range ...

For the most part, any performance difference we have seen between these two systems has had the PS3 performing worse. I suspect that this is mostly caused by the PS3 being more difficult to develop for, but I would expect that the best the PS3 can ever really hope for is to reverse the perfomance difference over the XBox 360.

 dye size has nothing to do with overall processor strength.. the PS3 has a stronger processor which can give the PS3 the edge at the end of the day. Its jsut up to developers to actaully learn how to use it for their advantage. There are reasons why there has already been a massive boost in graphics/physics in games between games like Resistance and Uncharted.

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