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highwaystar101 said:

Sorry, I just have to come in here. Christians don't have to be homophobic.

Yes, the old testament says some wacky things. You are forbidden to trim your beard about 4 passages after the one you quoted. But since Jesus, Leviticus doesn't have much bearing on the Christian faith. I find that those who use those quotes are only doing so to push their own moral agenda, not that of the bible. 

(In fact Christians who use quotes from Leviticus arguably understand very little about the Christianity. If they did think Leviticus was to be obeyed they would be crippled in modern society as Leviticus is essentially just a list of absurd laws. For example, being homosexual has equal billing to burning a priest's daughter to death if she has sex; but I don't see a group of people who go around killing the daughters of priests)


If Player1x3 said "I hate gays because of Leviticus!" then I would be on your side, but he didn't even bring it up. He's even stated that his religion has no bearing on his view towards homosexuals. It's clear he doesn't hold the view you want him to and he doesn't want to get into this argument, ok?

Some people do though, so if you want to

Yeah, I mentioned earlier that I was wrong to attack Player1x3. I never said that all Christians have to be homophobic though, just that their God has made anti-homosexual statements through the Bible.

The Bible says a bunch of funky things.  If everyone followed every part literally, everyone would have to kill everyone.

Here's a strange one:

2 Kings, 2:23-24.

23: And he (Elisha) went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
24: And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them."

So balled guys can curse and kill children if they make fun?  Wow! no since of humor at all.

Well, this part of the Bible would make Doctor Phil the biggest murderer of them all. For every child that teased him about his balled head, many would die.  (Oh, the humanity.)

And does it to apply to a receeding hairline?  What about if you shave your head  (and get super power to summon she-bears.)


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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