mantlepiecek said: How would you guys compare it to ME 2? Better than or worse?? |
I found it worse for a number of reasons
-Less dialogue wheel
-More custcenes as a result of this
-No hacking(was replaced with a button hold, it was a bit tedious)
-Scanning was replaced by something less interesting.
-The level design was still not very good straight which were mostly hallways with random things for cover, not very sensically laid out. Though this was a major problem in 2.
-Less hubs, aside from citadel and normandy they're combat zones.
-Still no mako/hammerhead, the hammerhead was awesome but that was only in cerberus network and DLC
-As far as I've played nothing as interesting, as say the morinth/samara mission in ME2 (which didn't involve combat)
Things it did better, slightly polished combat. More customisation was neat. The multiplayer is pretty neat. Having a lot of ME1 characters back was cool.Too bad, if play the multiplayer some of the sidequests in single player are crappier versions of these missions.
ME1 and ME2 felt like fresh interesting experiences to while ME3 didn't feel that way to.
ME3 is my least favorite of the trilogy but still really good. I could put more plus's and minus's but I won't.