ishiki said:
Scoobes said:
Acevil said:
Wagram said: People need to learn the difference between an ending they don't like, and a bad ending. |
I would call this a bad ending. Just like I call Bioshock and Human Revolution bad endings. Common element in all three of them really (or atleast Human revolution and Mass Effect 3), if you think about.
I agree with most of this. I loved both Deus Ex: HR and Mass Effect 3 immensely, but the way the endings are handled are very similar and just feels lazy.
I haven't seen all the endings yet but final decisions should be incorporated into the level design and gameplay (like the original Deus Ex), not a simple choice between what equates to 3 different button presses. I didn't dislike the ending I saw, but it was an ultimately depressing ending and as lest mentions in a previous post, just feels a bit off. It feels like there should be a middle sequence showing how the Normandy and the crew ended up where they did.
If they do a DLC, I suspect it will be controlling another character to show the events that took place immediately before and after the decision Shephard makes.. and yes, it should be free (although I'm happy if there is no DLC).
Anyway, I don't think people should complain so much. The trilogy still stands out as one of gaming's greatest space odysseys.
even the original deus ex, or Deus Ex: Invisible War, I'm not a fan of those type of endings. Though that's obviously personal preference. I'd like these types of games to have endings more as a result of what did/did not do during the course of the game than a desision that's a bit interesting but bizzare at the end of the game. But even in those two it was simply go here, here, or here. So it was still really similar to a button press. Though those 2 did it better than ME3 and Human Revolution.
But, endings are hard in general. If it's too happy it's too happy and unrealistic. If it's not normal, it's considered too weird. If it's normal it's too predictable.
I can't really think of too many games that pull off that type of ending with the possible exception of Chrono Trigger. Like you said, endings are pretty difficult in general.