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theprof00 said:

Rather than argue about what lurks in the shadows, I'd like you to hear my point that Republicans are now going crazy over this number, as you did, without even taking note (or being told by your media), that the net costs at the beginning was 900B, for 9 years, and now sits at 1.13T accounting for 11 years.

Meanwhile, even talking about Obama makes you furious, which is admirable in itself how the right media is able to make people so angry that they stop paying attention to the numbers.

PS: That 4 million less people is accounting for the 4 million who's unemployment is now up. There has been no reduction in coverage by the plan, the only change is that unemployment benefits is up for many. The savings results from the insurance signups that people are going to have to do on their own, and fees relating to not having insurance.

I know it's very conspiratorial minded (not to mention anti-intellectual) of me to point this out, but if the gross cost has doubled then it's not exactly arguing about monsters in the shadows. If the assumed pay fors don't come through, and they likely won't (especially the fake "savings" and tax hikes), the net cost will rise as well. It might help further the dialog if you don't assume that everyone who disagrees with you is a NewsMax readin', Rush Limbaugh listenin', stump toothed hillbilly who goes into a blind rage at the very mention of Obama.

Also, since it doesn't even kick in until 2014, 2012-2022 is not 11 years. Maths fail. But the leftist mantra seems to be, "It's not anti-intellectualism when WE do it."