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CGI-Quality said:

Indeed. The problem with quoting David Cage (and devs like him) is that people don't actually  grasp what he's trying to say and read too far into the words on the screen. In truth, this article is nothing new, he's said such stuff before, but he's never tried to be cocky, condescending or insulting about it.

The GT interview puts much of this article in perspective. Then again, there's really no need to defend Cage at this juncture - anyone who didn't like him before hasn't exposed themselves now. The rest who respect what he's about however, know he's bigger than the words he speaks.

I understand your frustration, but I believe, whether I'm right to or not, that people, when presented the argument more clearly or when disambiguated, can come to understand things and quotes better. You also corrected me in one of the exclusive threads, and once I understood, I was quick to correct.

We have a lot of smart people here, it's just that the mindset might be a little off since we're all online. But I believe in the intelligence of people for the most part. Am I wrong? Maybe I am, but I generally like to give the benefit of the doubt. Mind you I'm also a little newer so I haven't reached that place yet.

Having said that, it does kind of suck that people throw what he said with little consideration, but I'll try to show them they're wrong to, hopefully I won't suck too much at it.