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Yeah, I cleared up my mistake on the specs I quoted. (still don't know the 3DSs actual specs right now) You have to remember though, you brought it up. All I said is that the graphics of both systems are dated, they are. Look at them. The next gen of console hardware is almost upon us and gaming is moving to things like DX11. What I meant when I said it wasn't good for gaming, I should clarify because that does sound dismissive and I apologize. Increased hardware capabilities increase the potential for greater gaming experiences, especially in the form of AI. The way the 3DS stands now limits itself to the development of previous generations. Great games can still be made that way, a whole ton of great games were made with that type of power and the 3DS has a few tricks of its own as well as years of experience and techniques they can use to make games better. I'm not sure why you are toting lower rez and smaller screens as a testament to the 3DS's power,

My original statement was to say that both systems have such similar graphics potential because of their hardware it doesn't really matter that much in determining if the Wii or the 3DS is better equipped. The real battle will probably be in the capabilities of the systems other abilities, like AI, OS and whatever have you.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(