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Sorry about that, you're right I just grabbed the first article I found that actually listed everything. I was frustrated trying to find actual specs. And that's why I was confused when I saw the 3DS had an ARM11, I forget the Vita uses cortex A9. Unfortunately this means I was a little too generous to the 3DS in my comparison... Next time I promise to do better research and double checks before I post.

Zero, I know you just bought a 3DS and I'm not trying to knock on the system. The two handhelds are in different worlds when it comes to power, but the 3DS still has great OS functionality and apps ability and the 3D is unique. It's very much a modern this gen system, it's just a bit underpowered for gaming. But hey, people don't buy nintendo for bleeding edge, they buy it for specific games and as a social system.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(