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ils411 said:
DanneSandin said:
ils411 said:
Pyro as Bill said:
ils411 said:
nope, never. but at least its market share will go down to probably the high 30s percentage. making all those who predicted that the wii will take 50% of the market look stupid and foolish...i wonder where those fools are right now.

Somebody didn't align the launches, or take into account what the Wii would have sold if it wasn't out of stock for 3 holidays.

and the point is? those who want a wii in the past would have already gotten one by now so there goest the "out of stock during holliday" argument. aligning or not, final numbers is what counts and the wii is droping out of the race fast. and market share will also drop.

Sony has yet to release a really slimed down PS3 which I bleieve they will and who knows, Microsoft may have something similar to counter the WiiU.

The way I see it, MS and Sony will both launch re-designed models with massive price drops before the WiiU's launch. Or at least I believe this is the best move they can do to counter the WiiU enough until they can release their true next gen consoles.

That would probably be the best way to counter the WiiU: a nice redesign and a nice price drop. But didn't MS come out with a new, slimmer Xbox last year? Or was it the year before that?

The 360s and the current ps3 design may be significantly smaller than the original designs but they're still huge. think ps2 slim, thats how MS and Sony should try and redesign their consoles or at least reduce the size by 30-40% more. new design, plus price cut and new bundles = illusion of new console.

Yeah, if they don't release new console this year (which is very unlikely considering the numbers of PS360 they're selling right now) the best route to go is the release new designs and bundles

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.