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I made this topic to discuss Nintendo games and why you like or dislike them, and have your always liked them or maybe in the later years after Oot you started to play them.  Over the years i have played just about every zelda game, and i find them to just be really bad games, i'm not really sure why.  I grew up in a house where my brother loved the Zelda games, so i always got to see him play them and i saw the story and all that but the games just never seemd interesting. 

I have even played the GB ones and they are just not very fun games, but this christmas i bought Phantom Hourglass, it was fun at the start, but then it soon turned into one of the worst games i have ever played.  Maybe i just don't get the games or something, but what do you guys see in them, i just don't see them as fun games at all.

The same can be said for the Metroid games, i have played the GC ones and the wii one, and one of them on the GB, they all start out ok but then they just lose their fun factor.  They just become a pain to play.  Is there some sort of fun factor that i'm missing, is there something that i need to get to play these games, they are jusy very uninteresting games. 

I have also played Mario Galaxy, i have over 30 stars and the game is just not fun to play, i can't seem to get the hang of the controller and the camera just seems to hate me and i always screw up.  What do you guys see in these games and do you like all of them or just some.  I have honestly tried to like each and everyone but they are not very fun for me.

 This is not a troll post, i have liked many Nintendo games over the years, and i have tried to play most of the  major ones.  Can you guys also tell me why you like these games, and maybe list some Playstation games you dislike and why.