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Yes and they also damaged SquareEnix a lot.
They want to be loved in the West and favored the 360...The 360 got more attention than the PS3.
Even after FF13,while their fanbase on the Sony side still crushed the 360 Version...
What does SquareEnix do?They favor the 360 even more and want to push their games somehow.
Now they lost a lot of their fanbase with 13-2 - Even Tales of a series that came back to Sony destroyed them in Japan.Something that NEVER ever would have happened as a Sony Exclusive...No matter how bad the game is.

I hope SquareEnix is happy over the 350k sold Units worldwide on the 360 -
3-4 Million PS3 Only or 2 Million combined on both consoles...Totally understandable they favor them so much.