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@Thetonestarr: I wasn't asking what sources do you have for the data that can be found on VGC. I do see thd data accurate enough, there's just the error marginal that you should keep in mind.
The reason why i asked, was because if you have manufacturers numbers, it's easier to know what exactly they are meaning.

In order to count bundled software separately, you need to know its value. Of course, it's easy to determine when you have hardware bundled and not bundled. But even then, the amount of money that flows for the publisher is not known, unless you have specific details.

@Gazz: I believe you're mixing Sonny with Service Games and if i recall, neither did start before WW2.
Anyway, it really doesn't matter how long have the company existed, since what matters that can they change while the market changes and remain profitability. Of course, the longer the company has existed, the more changes it has lived. For example Sonys TV production didn't actually live thru the change in the market, Philips' electronics production didn't live thru the change, Segas console manufacturing, etc. But all of these companies/units still exist because they could change.

But back to the topic, Sony isn't going to throw their money away and that's why they are investing in R&D to make profit eventually.

Sony really has been able to cut the costs of PS3 manufacturing significantly. And gaming divisions losses were lower than expected in Q2, due lower than expected sales of PS3, so if the PS3 sales are again below expectations, it doesn't hurt SCE bottom line as much as expected. And even that USD is low, Yen is even lower, then CAD, AUD and EUR are high and PS3 is pretty strong in Europe, so the currency exchange rates help their bottom line (although, Yen dropping compared to USD raises the cost of chinese-made products in Yens).
Those were the points, concerning PS3, i see speaking on behalf SCE making comparatively good bottom line. But the opposite side:
Sony propably still sell PS3 with loss. Sony used a lot of money for marketing (now the low Yen hurts by making advertising outside Japan more expensive in Yens). It has a lot of R&D considering cutting PS3:s costs and a lot of games under development. Sony has recently cut the price of PS3.

The reason why Sony has failed to make realistic projections is because their sales haven't met their expectations.

Having bad division as a tax writeoff doesn't hurt, if that is its purpose. But Sonys gaming division is supposed to make money, not waste it.

@Rol: LOL

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.