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Plezbo said:


NintendoPie said:
ArcticGabe said:
I'm from PRChina.
I used to think America is ok. but since I finished my English courses, I don't like them anymore.
1st There are full of racists and right wing maniacs in America, (stormfront)
2nd I hate their anti China political propagandas.
3rd I don't like American cultures, and their complete lack of respect towards other cultures. Espeacially acient cultures like Chinese or Indian or Middle eastern.
4th I hate their attitudes towards their neighbours like Mexico and other parts of Latin America, what made them think so highly of themselves?
5th I hate what they did in Iraq and Afganistan.

I'm American (Born in Florida.) and I must tell you I agree with you on the China thing. It is ridiculous how people here think China is the same place it used to be. Hasn't China "evolved" a ton? I would actually much rather live there than here. You have nice, clean cities and an interesting culture and language. When I was younger I used to adore everything Chinese, I don't much anymore (due to me now adoring Japan and Korea xD ) but I still have high respect for China. I hope this gives you a little better view of how some people don't believe all the lies about China that the media tells here. =)

Ok, Hilarious.  First of all, a Chinese person that doesn't like American attitudes towards our neighbors????  Ever heard of Tibet?  Actually, you may not have because your authoritarian government doesnt allow free flow of information.  Your country has brutally repressed the freedom of Tibetans since 1951, amalgamating it into your country.  So while technically, its not a neighbor, it is FORCED into being part of your country.  The Uighers in the West of your country are also basically held hostage as part of your country.  I haven't even mentioned Taiwan yet.  Mao, that despotic monster (he is responsible for the deaths of at LEAST 20 Million people, not to mention the death of a VIBRANT and ancient culture, replacing it with dull communism) marched across the country murdering the "bourgeoisie" and forcing those not killed or enslaved to vacate the continent and find refuge on Formosa.  Now, while Taiwan wishes to be its own independent country, your government hangs Nuclear Annihilation over their heads should they declare Sovereignty. 

And the China political propaganda, maybe we wouldnt be so upset if you traded FAIRLY with us instead of forcing tariffs on our goods while we do nothing of the same to your, many times, inferior products (some even boardering on dangerous, lead in milk).  Also, the PLA is responsible for many network attacks on American businesses (mine included), and Chinese spies have stolen 100s of Billions of dollars of industrial secrets from our companies.

America has a lot of faults, many of them deep.  But to compare it to an authoritarian, repressive regime like the PRC, you are not very intelligent.  Your culture before Communism was fantastic, and the remnants that remain are every bit as excellent as they always have been.  But your government's Soviet style world dealings are irresponsible and boardering on evil in some cases (supporting Bashar al-Assad).  I hope that one day, the work started by those brave college students in Tianamen Square in 1989 is finished (have you heard of this incident? Your government represses information about this too), and the Communist regime in your country falls, until that day your country will NEVER perform anywhere close to its potential, and you will continue to share the stage with Russia as the World's Bad Guys. 

First off, your explanation of China is very one-sided. I would also like to point out that the people of China have nothing to do with this, it's their government that did these things. They didn't vote this in. Why would anyone vote communism in? They wouldn't. Also, The People's Republic of China has changed a lot. Their gov't has become less communist and more socialist since what you're describing. (No where near perfect but getting better.) PRC can not automatically switch their gov't from one extreme to another. It takes a long time for any country to switch governments. They're trying to be more open, more free. It will never be as free as America is, it may get close one day though. 

You're acting like The People's Republic of China is North Korea, it isn't.