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Thanks Roma, this will certainly prove invaluable.

spurgeonryan said:

Someone should make a Nintendo GDC thread! I would, but I will give someone else a chance or I would have tonight.

Tomorrow Starts GDC 2012: Here's What I Expect to See from the Wii U

By Nathanial Rumphol-Janc on March 4, 2012 11:00 AM | Permalink | 286 Comments
Something we haven't talked about much lately is the fact that one of the biggest gaming news events of the year is almost upon us. Tomorrow starts the wave of information about this years latest and greatest, and surely we are about to be slammed with tons of new games, footage, screenshots, and information surrounding the Wii U. As the only next generation console that is coming out this year (unless the rumored Steam box makes it's way public), there are going to be a lot of expectations put out there.

Keep 'em comin' Ryan!