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RolStoppable said:
Ajescent said:

For something that's less than a month old in the west and less than a year old in the East, I think it's not doing that badly. It pisses me off no end that people can't fathom the idea that the sales of one week don't reflect the sales of next week, the same for one month and the next. My advice, wait till Christmas, wait till new things are announced/released and it's been allowed to settle worldwide THEN call in the pallbearers.

Didn't the 3DS have the same "problems" after its first couple of months? how did that turn out?

Wasn't the ps3 meant to be discontinued (according to VGC folks anyway) because it was "failing"? how did that turn out?

My advice is just be patient, it won't kill anyone to wait more than the metaphorical 10mins before calling something doomed. It drives me up the wall how many armchair analysts there are on here.

The Vita won't sell sub 100k in only one week. It will be week after week and month after month, if nothing is done.

The 3DS had the same problems and it required drastic measures to get it back on the initially intended track. The same holds for the PS3 and it will hold true for the Vita.

Like it or not, but the system is in trouble. Of course, the recommended solutions are largely the same across every system, so it can be tiresome to read the obvious time and time again. But to act like the Vita will do fine, that's the real armchair analysis here. I wouldn't mind everything being put in one thread though, because the nature of this site is that with almost every week of slow sales a new thread is opened even though it's clear that the outlook remains identical until the next big event like E3, gamescom etc.

Just so we are clear, I don't think Vita will be teH besT3sT sellinG consolz eva!!! I personally believe the 3DS will rip it a new one in sales but at the same time, I don't think it will only sell 5copies before Sony calls it a day (basically a replay of the PSP/DS match up) 

The way some people type on here is as if they are unaware that Sony doesn't compare to Nintendo in any stretch of the imagination when it comes to handhelds, no one does. When they go crazy at sales just because the Vita isn't doing as well as the 3DS surprises me, it makes me wonder if I'm the only one who sees this. But at the same time, I don't see the craziness in waiting a while before calling something a failure. The Vita hadn't even released before people started calling it a failure, now it's released barely a month has gone by and people are calling it a failure. 

Is it really that much to ask for people to be calm and "wait and see"? 

But the thing that annoys me the most is threads that say "____ things _____ need to do to save the _____" I'm sorry, but who the hell died and made you an expert on the subject? If you are such an expert, what the hell are you doing here?

I realise the above sounds like an incoherent rant so I'll stop now. 

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?