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To me this thread is a bit biased. I like both of them, as both were prophets and had very good messages. I think a lot of people are just focusing on the fact that the prophet Mohamed (S) was married to a 9 year old and the wars he did and ignoring his positives like fighting against slavery and even woman rights at the time when baby girls were burried alive just for being female. 

The fact that Mohamed (S) married a 9 yr old is probably sickening to most people (including me). However he did hold any sexual relations for 3-4 years (not sure how many). Also I just think back then it was a different time when there was no school system or anything like that, so people matured earlier as they are pushed to society earlier. For instance my aunt was married around 70 years ago at the age of 13. And while it really is inappropriate now and frankly disgusting, it was just a different time and society didn't perceive the idea of it badly. It does give the idea that the women who marry early are prohibited from advancing intellectually and are not given their freedom,  but early marriage happened all around the world in the past, so the idea back then wasn't as farfetched as you would make of it now. 

Personally as a Muslim, I love both profits, maybe almost equally. Of course I relate to Mohamed and his family more, however Jesus's message of love had a lighter more loving side which was revealed from Mohammed's (S) descendants. A lot of muslims seem to focus on the strictness of Islam and enforcing it rather than spreading the love like Christianity which maybe affects the image to the West. However I think Islam is deeper than many think it is.