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RolStoppable said:

Exactly. I have more than 4800 posts and have never before received a warning from any mod, but two days ago I got banned instantly and nobody in the forum seems to have a clue why, except ssj12 who banned me.

Apparently I have been banned for reports on posts that are 1-2 months old. Somebody must have browsed old threads and found something he didn't like. This is what ssj12 said about the posts I have been reported for:

One was like: PS3 fans are all childish. They don't have a single bit of respect for gaming.

The other was: The PS3 is a poor excuse for gaming console.

Normally I wouldn't copypaste parts of PMs with a mod in the forum, but knowing that even the mods don't know why I have been banned, I hope this helps to speed up the process in order to get an explanation.

 ah cmon, life goes on. its not that big of a deal. you got unbanned and you are back, thats great news. so everything is fine.

you didnt miss anything in any case as dtewi has been making the 200th "whos the coolest here" and the 5 millionth KH3 to wii? threads. thats all.

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