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happydolphin said:
nikosx said:
Sony Bend did a fantastic job with Uncharted Golden Abyss. There's almost no difference to Uncharted on PS3.
The aiming is even better than on PS3 thanks to the gyro tilt-to-aim feature. I hope other games will use this too, it makes aiming to much better to control.

If I had 300$-ish on hand and I had to choose between a Vita+GA and a PS3+UC3, which one would you suggest in terms of UC only? Other games interest me for Vita, so I'm really just interested to know in terms of UC.

Reason I ask is, after watching some vids of the touch mechanics on youtube I had some doubts. Are the action sequences as good as on PS3 or is there too much ledge climing and the likes as compared to the PS3 version?

I haven't played Golden Abyss, but from what I understand it's lacking a lot of the pomp and circumstance of the PS3 iterations, but on the flipside is a bit less linear (gives you more treasures to find) and the game is longer.  

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