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pezus said:
happydolphin said:
nikosx said:
Sony Bend did a fantastic job with Uncharted Golden Abyss. There's almost no difference to Uncharted on PS3.
The aiming is even better than on PS3 thanks to the gyro tilt-to-aim feature. I hope other games will use this too, it makes aiming to much better to control.

If I had 300$-ish on hand and I had to choose between a Vita+GA and a PS3+UC3, which one would you suggest in terms of UC only? Other games interest me for Vita, so I'm really just interested to know in terms of UC.

Reason I ask is, after watching some vids of the touch mechanics on youtube I had some doubts. Are the action sequences as good as on PS3 or is there too much ledge climing and the likes as compared to the PS3 version?

I think if you were purely going to pick for UC, PS3 would be the better choice. UC3 is a phenomenal experience, and so are UC1 and UC2. UC:GA isn't made by ND so even though I have no doubt it's a very good game, I think it lacks that cinematic ND touch.

Thanks P. @ Joe, nikosx. Okay, I knew the touch controls were optional, but I'll ask more on the action content when you guys'll have had more time to try it out.

Anyways, I'm really interested in SF x Tekken and really prefer the Vita version to the console versions so I'm not worried or in a hurry. It'll all depend on price for me in the end (second hand prices included) as well as your's feedback.

I'm following the thread and will ask some advice every now and then. In the meantime happy Vita launch guys.