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Joelcool7 said:
Just so were clear I hope you realize DKCR sold less then a million fewer copies then Galaxy 2 which was critically acclaimed as one of Mario's finest adventures.

As for me not giving credit to WiiSports as a game WiiSports was not the biggest game on Wii. It was however The best way to show off the Wii hardware. Everybody wanting to try out the Wiimote used WiiSports to do so. I am not in any way calling it weak. WiiU will also have a bundled tech demo compilation their is no reason to say that WiiSports was the thing that single handed saved Wii.

A perfect example is the Japanese sales over all weaker then the west. Three million sales over an entire generation is impressive. But it proves as a launch title it was not the only driving force. We do not know how Wii would have performed in NA without WiiSports. It certainly isn't as important as a strong launch line up. A new WiiSports couldn't sell the WiiU without strong support software like LoZ, DK or Star Fox.

Everyone here is assuming that WiiU's bundled software is going to suck.

Please tell me you're not using critical acclaim in a sales discussion. You've been here long enough to know why that's weak data at best.

This conversation is somewhat tangential to the main point, but I'm intrigued enough to continue. But before we continue, I need you to engage me more. You're making naked assertions.

"WiiSports was not the biggest game on Wii. It was however The best way to show off the Wii hardware. Everybody wanting to try out the Wiimote used WiiSports to do so. I am not in any way calling it weak. WiiU will also have a bundled tech demo compilation their is no reason to say that WiiSports was the thing that single handed saved Wii."

These are assertions. There are no facts at all given to support anything you wrote here. Provide me with your proof. I have sales figures, news reports, widespread pop culture penetration, and more to support the contrary. Give me something beyond "joelcool7 believes" to support this assertion.

You made an effort with the following paragraph, but unfortunately for you only one Wii title outsold Wii Sports in Japan. As an aside, I want you to guess which game that was. I then want you to explain why "Japanese sales over all (being) weaker then the west" proves that Wii Sports wasn't a driving force for the system, when Japan is the one region where the game was not bundled with the system, i.e. a forced demonstration to hardware customers of what the system can offer. And why, pray tell, does Wii Sports, a launch title, not count as part of the launch lineup?

Finally, and I may just have missed it because it's late here, but who here is assuming that the WiiU's bundled software "is going to suck"? And what does that have to do with the discussion?