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Euphoria14 said:
badgenome said:
Euphoria14 said:

Wasn't it said that he wouldn't work on a Sony platform? If so, that might explain why the game is not on Android. Google and Sony are partners, so maybe now he hates Google too.

My understanding is that it's just Playstation, and it was because he doesn't like Ken Kutaragi.

Ken hasn't been there in years, so what's his gripe now?

Well, he's been pretty busy ever since Kutaragi left: first he was tied up with Microsoft for a while doing Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, then he made those shitty DS games and wasted a bunch of time on Cry On, and then he did Last Story for Nintendo. And now he's free, but like I said, I think he's out of money and no one will give him any. So, iOS it is!

He should try Kickstarter!