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I probably prefer Skrim but it feels more like a simple evolution of Oblivion and Fallout 3. The combat is better, the land is more awe inspiring and it does give me the same sense of wonder I had when I played Morrowind that was absent in Oblivion. Oblivion was more traditional fantasy-fare whereas Skyrim feels more unique and imaginative. I also liked the fact you could choose perks like in Fallout as it gave an extra level of customisation but I do wish you didn't have to spend points on useless perks just to get the one you actually want. The main quest was also good fun and dragon fights were far more entertaining than the repetitive oblivion gates. Dungeons also felt more unique compared to Oblivion (although eventually they do get repetitive, but only after a long, long time)

However, some of the guild questlines in Oblivion were simply superb and that hasn't been replicated in Skyrim. The thieves guild and dark brotherhood were devilishly fun in Oblivion whilst in Skyrim they were fun but ultimately failed to acheive the same spark. The mages/college quests in Skyrim were fun but ended when it felt like they were just getting started. In Oblivion, each guild questline felt like its own game. In Skyrim they're simply short albeit rewarding side stories. They also made the races a bit more generic due to the new system of having no old school RPG stats (e.g. Strength, Endurance etc.) The Redguard Adrenaline Rush for instance is now near useless.