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o_O.Q said:
thranx said:
Zlejedi said:
Acevil said:
Ajescent said:
voty2000 said:
I think it's just that the Sony fans can be very annoying. That's the only reason why I have any animosity towards Sony. Everything Playstation related is given God-like status from their fans and it gets annoying. I like my PS3 and don't hate Sony but their fans just get to me. They could release a turd and the fans will come and praise it for having such a strong smell and claim it's AAA before a trailer comes out.

I think it stems from the fans being used to being the #1 console by a large margin then suddenly dropping to dead last. They now have to hype every little thing to make it seem like it's doing better than it is.

I know other fans can be annoying but there's just something annoying by the way some Sony fans whine.

PS: I also realize that not all Sony fans are annoying so you don't have to tell me and am not trying to lump them all together.

Are you telling me that Ninty and MS fans don't do the same thing?

Actually to a degree I think he is right. Infact that is what I hated about Sony fans in the past aswell, anything exclusive almot got instance status of being the GOTY! Nintendo and Microsoft fans have done it to a degree, but nothing at the level of sony fans have shown. Given in the past couple of years it has been tone down from sony fans, still some what exists. 

You think other brand fanboys are different ?

Look at what was posted about Vitality Sensor, Wii Music, Kinect core games etc. before their releases ;)

Maybe sony fans just travel to other threads more often. I dont really see a lot of nintendo fans in the ms section constanly attacking or being negative about anything announced there. But I always seem to see the sony fans. I dont really have a gripe with nintendo fans as far as i can tell i can only pick one or two out. This is just what i notice. I am not in the sony or nintendo forum really, just the ms and the the others. But I dont even bother with the MS section any more, really no point as there really ins't any discussing going on there just sony vs ms stuff all the time.

so that never happens with microsoft guys in sony threads?

see this is my point, did you even read what i wrote? I said i am not in the sony section, for a reason, I only have a psp and i dont play it.. There is no need for sony fans to be in nintendo or ms sections bashing them, and vice versa. I just only seem to notice sony fans on the attack, not nintendo. Since I am a 360 fan i am somewhat biased in what i see regarding ms, but  i really dont see to many ms fans bashing others mainly because there are so few. I mean you can look at discusioins in the ms section and compare to sony. You will see far fewer threads, and even fewer with actual discusion. There is a reason, its just not worth discussing ms positive news on this site.