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What a stupid article title...ohhh poor sony!  news flash, its not just sony.   nintendo and microsoft share the same ill fate.  Gamers love to hate everyone and everything.  Everything is a competition and everyone needs to pick sides and start arguments over things that don't honestly matter.  No matter what a company tries to do, there will be people out there that condemn and find fault and piss and moan about something.  Case in point, the circle pad pro.  how many whiners have come out of the woodwork over that measly 20 dollar peripheral?  "wahh waah, it should've been on in the first place".   Well, it isn't and it was made as an add on.  if ninty had never released the circle pad, the same darn people would be whining that they didn't offer it and should have.  Either buy it or don't, whatever.

Success for some brings on the need for others to try and find fault and rip it down.  Gamers are very intolerant and seem to expect everything from a company and btw, don't try and make money off of me doing it.  and then the company does its best to appeal to/appease the consumer and then get criticised and whined at anyways.  People need to start cutting all these companies some slack, and enjoy the products released instead of complaining about them.  if your that unhappy, then quit gaming and take up knitting or tea drinking and you can join folks other folks that have nothing better to do than nag.

