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Thats the way of the internet. Everyone hates on everything. Its not just SONY.
The problem SONY has is that they try to deceive the consumer, wich generates more hate in return. How? Promising features that do not ship just so they generate hype and trying to deceive customers into believing that they can get a Vita for an ammount, when in fact they have to pay extra for a memory card to be able to save content. Add to this the fact that their main competitor sells a system substancially more cheaper (the 3DS) wich even includes a "free"SD card of 2GiG.

The fact is that for the same price you can buy alot more value on the competition. Sony gets hate where its deserved.
And lets not even start on how bad both this system and the PSP are marketed.

Indeed, its unfair internet hate beeing thrown around, but SONY does their share to deserve it (and lets not forget when they threatened to prosecute people that commented on youtube about the PS3 jailbreak). I'm afraid they very much are bringing it upon themselves. I said this in the past and i'll say it again. SONY needs a proper marketing and public relations department. The incompetence can be seen 1000 submarine leagues away.