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Areym said:
voty2000 said:
Areym said:
voty2000 said:
I think it's just that the Sony fans can be very annoying. That's the only reason why I have any animosity towards Sony. Everything Playstation related is given God-like status from their fans and it gets annoying. I like my PS3 and don't hate Sony but their fans just get to me. They could release a turd and the fans will come and praise it for having such a strong smell and claim it's AAA before a trailer comes out.

I think it stems from the fans being used to being the #1 console by a large margin then suddenly dropping to dead last. They now have to hype every little thing to make it seem like it's doing better than it is.

I know other fans can be annoying but there's just something annoying by the way some Sony fans whine.

PS: I also realize that not all Sony fans are annoying so you don't have to tell me and am not trying to lump them all together.

The PS3 is right behind the 360, how is that dead last?

It's in third place out of three, so it's dead last.  If it passes the 360 then the 360 will be dead last.

let's just agree to disagree.

No your right, "dead last" is out of proportion in this case. Its normally use to say that the last product or person isnt comparable to the next one, that it is far from it. But, it could also be use to say that they did exceptionally poor, which could arguably be true. Even then, we would have to say that both the PS3 and 360 are dead last compare to the Wii. Ironicaly, one of the basic behind "hating" is using out of proportion wording to demonstrate your point of view. That being said, it looks like an honest mistake.

dead last (not comparable)

  1. (idiomatic) Finishing in last place in a competition or (in sports) the standings, often by a considerable margin to the next-to-last-place finisher or after an exceptionally poor showing or season.