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'It's hard to choose a favorite among so many great tracks, but "The Greatest Love of All" is one of the best, most powerful songs ever written about self-preservation, dignity. Its universal message crosses all boundaries and instills one with the hope that it's not too late to better ourselves. It's impossible in this world we live in to empathize with others, we can always empathize with ourselves. It's an important message, crucial really. And it's beautifully stated on the album.


Whitney Houston was perhaps the fourth strongest singing voice in pop music history falling only behind the cross over artist Pavarotti, and the power singers Celine Dion and Mariah Carey (who once mastered a vocal range with perfect pitch spanning greater than 5 octaves, and being one of the few singers that have ever existed who could hit the whistle register). It is really a shame that she fell into such hard times; the same strugles which have taken the lives of many of our greatest singers, from Elvis, to Jimi Hendrix, to Jim Morrison, to Kurt Cobain, and many many more; and in her struggles to finally get out of this low period in her life, she passed away. Rest in peace.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.