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Only in cretin countries that 360 is favored against PS3 (US is the biggest market) and it's Sony's mistake, Microsoft fought to win the battle (Kinickt V Move) Sony did nothing. my PSP was all dusty while I was always using my DS, cos of lack of good games, then I sold it, I don't think of buying Vita unless a great exclusive forces me to do so, But I think that Sony image changed a lot lately, now they have respected collection of exclusives that gets them support, not only GT & God of war, they have Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance and many others, and U can't argue with their fans about the value of these games so rest assured Vita will succeed if only Sony push it with exclusives & good 3rd party back-up (Most western studios can work on this system so I think they will try and get a handheld market through this console)
World wide PlayStation is still a name that people respect more than any other name (Though I am a Nintendo fan but they have to work harder on their product & name to get a fair level of success, cos they keep changing the machine's name)