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I think it's just that the Sony fans can be very annoying. That's the only reason why I have any animosity towards Sony. Everything Playstation related is given God-like status from their fans and it gets annoying. I like my PS3 and don't hate Sony but their fans just get to me. They could release a turd and the fans will come and praise it for having such a strong smell and claim it's AAA before a trailer comes out.

I think it stems from the fans being used to being the #1 console by a large margin then suddenly dropping to last. They now have to hype every little thing to make it seem like it's doing better than it is.

I know other fans can be annoying but there's just something annoying by the way some Sony fans whine.

PS: I also realize that not all Sony fans are annoying so you don't have to tell me and am not trying to lump them all together.

Edit:  Took out dead last, didn't think people would focus on an insignificant part of the post.  I've always used it as last place but whatever.