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goldeneye0074eva2222 said:
if gamers hated sony i doubt ps1 or ps2 would have succeeded maybe its time you learned that sony has not been doing things as good as they could be right now

lets rewind back to psp how selfish people pirated titles instead of buying them thats why the psp did not do well game wise its not sonys fault its the gamers them selfs that are at fault.

as far as ps3 yes that is sony's doing . they should have learned from various older consoles such as the 3do or jaguar that 600 dollars or 500 dollars was not a good price and offering little to nothing as far as quality games what did they expect us to do play resistance or motorstorm for a year at 600 dollars i dont think so

and then they went and did the same mistake for the vita
when it was first announced i thought $249.99 was good .. but as it got closer to release they had announced some ridiculous memory card stipulation such as you need it to boot a game,. those run for 30 bucks for a good sized memory card for people who dont download stuff. - 8 gigs

for those who download stuff will have to shell out 100 bucks for a 32 gig memory card
so when you put this as your final price- 280 is the least youll be spending 270 if you only go for 4 gigs. which is lousy by todays standard (not include a game) sure the 3g bundle sounds nice but im not going to spend 50 extra dollars for somthing i aint gonna use and have my game hand choosen by sony no thanks
i will do the choosing my self .
the least they could have done is offered 4 gig memory cards as a pack in for any vita
not this stupid bundle where only 3 g versions get a memory card

this is where sony is failing

to announce any further plans for future releases somthing Nintendo delivered every time they released a console

or handheld
we knew nintendo had extra games in the pipeline even before the system hit shelves

whats sony got after the 28 launch games ? so far ive only heard a port of mortal kombat is in the works and call of duty besides that
sony has not even made effort to announce any of their key titles that have entries past 2012

You're right.

wi-fi only:

PlayStation Vita: £214.99

(A free 8GB memory card and a game for £15 is available with the console)

PlayStation Vita Console - Wi-Fi (With Free 8GB Memory Card + Pre-Order Pack)


And tons more, if you look em up.