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Nintendo, Sony, then Xbox360.
Its not even about the replay value because I'd still play halo 2 online if they still had servers for it.
Nintendo does have those old franchises they update so often- that's nice and expected (and guaranteed with the system)
The new IP they have or the ones they revive are usually underrated or ignored. They got it but if something else sells better then its the customers to blame.

There are IP that simply underperformed, like Red steel, but if you want generation defining games then its the Wii series that defines the Wii. Wiisports blew up stores like it was nobodies business- without that title the Wii wouldn't have moved as many systems. Since then the producers have been fumbling with that franchise til it got the way it was.

There was another franchise that was new to the Wii exclusively - the bit trip series.
Tatsunoko versus capcom.
Conduit, that other sega game, and no more heroes were all (once) a system exclusive. No more heroes outshone the rest and went on to the psMove.