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Michelasso said:
Scoobes said:

Do you actually read these reviews or just look at the score? The content is far more important than the score and the review describes all the positive and negative points quite well. Edges reviews are some of the most well-written, coherent and critical reviews in the industry, regardless of the score.

Sure. Tell this to a student: you're good because you show to apply yourself, to study. I really appreciate your efforts. You just made few mistakes, so I will give you a 5/10 (in Italy anything below 6/10 means failure. One must take the class again). Or a D inthe US system. I don't give a damn about the content. Few have time to read all reviews. What it matters the most is the final score. If the score doesn't match the review then the reviewer is no good at all. I have been for a couple of years a Math high school teacher myself. I can assure you that to give the right score is one of the hardest part of the job. 

Anyway I looked for the Edge review of FF X but I couldn't find it. But honestly it would be just to understand how bad a reviewer can be. FF X is in the top games list of many FF players. Mine for sure. To have given it a 6/10 just shows a total lack of competence. And yes, I read also the couple of negative reviews for FF XIII-2, at least the one showed in the Metacritic. It seems to me that most of these guys give bad reviews to popular games just to raise THEIR audience. Otherwise they would still sunk in the anonymity they belong to. 

You're just further iterating what I said in my previous quote. The fact that there are gamers that actually think this way shows the immaturity of the games industry. Your analogy also doesn't work because the sole purpose of grading a students work is to show their current level and how to improve. The point of a games review is to aid readers (not developers although they get the benefit of the critique) in making a purchasing decision.

The content of the review is far more important than the score. A game like the one here can score poorly, yet still describe the positives to a point where someone can decide whether they'd actually enjoy the game or not. I've read negative reviews of games before, yet still been able to say, "I may buy this game because the review decribed it did x, y and z well". Those are review done well. Most of Edge's review are like this and so is the review this thread is based on.

Why do you actually care about the metacritic score? Does it stop you from purchasing and enjoying the game? Why should any reviewer limit themselves to a 7-10 scoreline?

The fact that these questions have to be asked is facepalm worthy. It's like the Uncharted 3 metacritic debacle all over again.