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Khuutra said:
Jumpin said:
Khuutra said:

Publications are not required to have games reviewed by similar reviewers with similar tastes. I've argued this with Kantor before: it's not one of the requirements for a good publication. Uniformity is not necessary.

True, but if a publication wants to appear as a credible objective source; one actually worth reading, then they should appear both credible and objective; which they very obviously do not in this case.

When you have review standards like the ones displayed here, scores and reviews become completely meaningless; ultimately it undermines the purpose of the review section.

Reviews do not need to be objective.

Tell me: what is the purpose of the review section?

I didn't say reviews needed to be objective, what I said was that review sites with no objectivity don't have a purpose or credibility.

In order to have a purpose, review sites do in fact require some degree of objective criteria. Only then does a review publication become a reliable source which a user can put confidence in when selecting which games they should buy.

If FF13-2 is better than FF13, then how is that helping anyone when this site says FF13 is a 9.0 game and FF13-2 is a 5.4 game? It's not like the bar of quality has gone up THAT much in the past 22 months. How exactly is this helping anyone? Something is clearly broken with how this website handles its review section.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.