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RolStoppable said:
Euphoria14 said:

If you don't mind (Since I seem to be out of the loop), where was it confirmed to be exclusive? I have only seen it as "Releasing on 3DS" and not "Releasing Only on 3DS".

Also, if it really was just PSP games listed for Vita wouldn't they list Type-0 and many others? Doesn't add up that they would list (1) PSP title in a big list of upcoming Vita titles because if that were the case they would have taken the opportunity to add more. I believe it to be the PSP remaster found on PS3 in Japan but released on Vita in the west. Easier to get people to buy it again (In Japan) when it is marketed as a graphical upgrade with proper comfortable controls than just a straight PSP download for the Vita.

My money is on the remaster.

Well, a Sony rep was asked about Monster Hunter on the PSV and he said: "You will have to ask Capcom on this." So the very least we should expect is that there won't be a Vita MH title until three months after MH4 releases at the earliest. If it isn't exclusivity, it's at least timed exclusivity, because there's no other reason for Capcom and Sony to hold back on announcements.

As for the list, you'll notice that there's also Ridge Racer Unbounded on it while it should have been the Ridge Racer that actually releases for the Vita. I am also not convinced about Plants vs. Zombies being a Sony Online Entertainment game. In other words, the validity of this list is in doubt.

But regardless of this, whether it is the PSP or PS3 version of MH3P, it's still only a Western release. If a remastered version would be coming for the PSV in Japan where it matters the most, then we would have heard of it by now.

That Monster Hunter quote was from back in September, and it was talking about Monster Hunter 4 I believe, the new report where the Sony guy says to expect Monster Hunter in the coming months was a couple weeks ago and could be in reference to the MH3 listed on the pamphlet. As for MH4 though, my money is on that if it is exclusive at all, expect timed. We all know what happened with MH3. Eventually a portable MH3 made it's way to the PSP, so I see no reason to not expect a different MH4 on the Vita.

Planst Vs Zombies is listed as SOE because it seems they are working together to get it to work properly with the Vita or maybe they are adding exclusive stuff for Vita only.


It was originally discovered through a tweet.!/PlayStation/status/146380330922815488/


Unbounded is a full fledged game while Ridge Racer Vita is more of a demo, with just 5 cars and 3 tracks. If anything it could just be a typo since Unbounded isn't listed for Vita.


However, one typo does not discredit a list where according to many sources the rest of the list looks to be accurate.

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