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brendude13 said:
Runa216 said:
Come on guys, this is getting a bit ridiculous. I can understand disagreeing with the score and/or the review itself, but there's a lot of unneeded hate going around and I really don't think that's fair to myself, to VGChartz/GamrReview, or yourselves because it just makes you look blind and petty.

I know there's a rule against the F-word on this forum (and I Don't mean Fuck), but seriously guys, your bias is showing and it makes a lot of people hard to take seriously.

I don't have a problem with you (just to clarify, especially with how much we clashed in the past). I still think they should have chose a different person for the review and that your opinions on FFXIII are too extreme, but you explain your opinions thoroughly, and like I said in my post above, they're consistent.

oh trust me, I kind of agree...when I found out that they gave me that review I was floored.  I was like "Really?  after all the hate?"  Their explanation as to why I got it was two fold, most notably that since nobody else wanted it, that made me win by default, and as Signalstar explained earlier in the thread, I was a legitimate candidate to review it thanks to my extensive experience with the series and the promises that Square made that made the casual observer think the issues would be fixed.  

That said, I do plan on reviewing VsXIII if I'm able, and I assure you I will be fair with it if I get it.  I'm really looking forward to that one and it does not look like a game I will dislike, whereas I was never sold on XIII.  To me, Final Fantasy VsXIII looks like a wonderful blend of kingdom hearts and Final Fantasy XII, two of my favorite games.  it hasn't even come out yet and I can damn near assure it'll get a good score, but in the interest of fairness, if it's not good I'll give it a low score.  

I assure you, I do not let my own prejudice influence my review scores.  If they had, XIII-2 woud have gotten a 3.8 becuase to me gameplay and story matter more than anything else and all the tweaks in the world won't change the fact that the battle system sucks (in my opinion), and the plot was horrible.  there's almost always a slight disconnect with my 'fair' reviews that I post and my own personal opinions.  I gave Dissidia 012 Duodecim an 8.6, which is a great score...but I hated it.  I hated the gameplay and felt it was unfair and tedius and boring....but objectively I saw that there was a MASSIVE amount of content, the presentation was phenomenal, and while I didn't personally like the gameplay at all, it was deep, it was functional, it was varied, and it was without issue.  

I think everyone needs to take a step back to realize that if any of the other guys on the team (the editors) thought I was being unfair or biased, they'd have asked me to change something or make it clear.  They are not strict but they are firm, and they would not have let me post the review if they REALLY thought I was lashing out or on a vendetta.  None of the reviews I've written have been to slam a game or express hate.  I gave what I felt was a mediocre game a mediocre score; it's mediocre becuase it's half good and half bad, which I think is as fair as can be, even though the 5.4 I gave it seems harsh.  

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