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A203D said:
brendude13 said:
Rob-Ot said:
I'm sorry but FFX deserves that 6/10

I'm glad someone back then realised how mediocre the game really was.

At least you're consistent, considering that FFX and FFXIII are almost identical in structure and pacing. I don't mind if people don't like a game as long as they explain their reasons and their opinions are consistant. We obviously have different expectation and tastes in gaming, I'm enjoying XIII-2 a lot less than XIII.

I would say FF10 is about 8/10. i can agree with a 6/10 however, since some of the presentation levels are poor. like the Tidus Yuna laughing scene. i can forgive those presentation levels because that was the first time Square used voice acting for FF.

structure and pacing i think FF13 is extremely poor. FF10 still had its moments, FF13 ended up wasting 6 hours of cutscenes for teenage tantrums rather than exploring the world mythology. FF10 did have a lot of cutscenes a fair amount more than FF12, but they did explain the story and the world mythology in one game.

FF13 was designed to be part of a compilation which is why the story progressed no where. FF10's story came to a conclusion and went into a lot of depth in the space of the game.

I understand your point, but I still don't agree with what you said.

I thought Final Fantasy XIII had great mythology, not mythology that was apparently tucked away in the datalog, but mythology that was shown in the cutscenes and occasionally even gameplay sections (like Gran Pulse). I agree with you that there was far too much melodrama, situations were made more complicated than they needed to be and the basic plot didn't have a great conclusion, but Final Fantasy X was far from perfect. The well acted cutscenes, huge variety of environments, tense atmosphere and interesting mythology more than made up for its flaws in my opinion. I don't know if this should be linked to the plot, but in Final Fantasy XIII, I always felt like I knew what I needed to do and that I had a drive, and I loved that, even if it was just "we run the other way". The lack of drive and meaning is what's killing FFXIII-2 for me at the moment.

By the way, I'm not saying those aspects I mentioned about FFXIII were great, I'm just trying to point out similarities between FFXIII and FFX, and that people who trash Final Fantasy XIII and say that Final Fantasy X was "the last good Final Fantasy" really piss me off.

Anyway, enough about FFXIII, that has been done to death, I think I am done in this thread too to be honest.