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Conegamer said:
theprof00 said:
Conegamer said:
RolStoppable said:
Conegamer said:
Woot! Our gamestation got their first pre-order today!!!

First week projections:

85-95k Europe
100-110k Americas
250-265k overall (not including Japan)

I hope for your sake that this is a projection for only a single store chain and not the entire market.

Not quite. Pre-orders.

Projection for pre-orders?

I'm confused as to whether you're a fan of the Vita or not. You act like you are, but then act like Monster Hunter isn't a sure thing and really lowball the projected first week?

Yep, my projected pre-orders. I reckon closer to 400k FW for actual sales. I'm neutral towards the Vita. On the one hand, I think the console looks amazing and was rather impressed when I tried it in Game. However, I think Sony are handling the launch incredibly poorly (cost, needing memory cards, launch after Christmas, lack of advertisements), and so I don't feel confident of the console's long-term success. Will I get one? Probably, but not at launch. I need more to persuade me at that price. But I certainly like the console.

That or they could be handling it the right way by launching it now. Well, in the US anyways.

I was always under the assumption that launch sales are usually made by those "in the know". So these people have the Vita show up at a perfect time... Tax Time!  Now these people have all year to spread word of mouth, as well as the media, increasing awareness of the device. Of course with other sales coming along the way due to software releases.

Anyways, by the time Christmas comes around there will be much higher consumer awareness of the product than there would have if it launched 3 months ago, plus there is better opportunity for some real good bundles to make the $250 price seem not as bad as it would have if they didn't go this route due to having 6+ months of game releases. Not to mention it also gave plenty of developers time to have their bigger games ready for the Vita's first holiday season. This season might see Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, FFX, Monster Hunter and who knows what else.


Not everything needs to come flying out of the gate as if it has dual rocket boosters strapped to it's back.


Edit - You also asked why people assume Monster Hunter is releasing on Vita? Just check the official Vita pamphlet released by Sony.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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