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Michelasso said:
Zim said:

.... do you actually thing that is how reviews work? So in your mind if a game had amazing presentation but there was literally no story, no characters and the gameplay was walking down a corridor doing nothing you would give it 50/100 at least because it had good presentation? 

There aren't set limits as to what parts of the game contribute to the overall score. Reviewers are reviewing the experience as a whole. FF13-2 deserves a 8/9 for graphics, presentation etc. But if the reviewer feels the gameplay and story are both awful then having pretty graphics doesn't somehow make the game enjoyable. 

It isn't just about graphics and presentation.Which are excellent as the reviewer admit himself (gorgeous visuals). It is that all FF games have great visuasl, good music, a long enough story, a great environment, a good battle system. Any game always had at least one purposely annoyngly funny character. Any game had a battle system that no matter what could be played just holding the X button 90-95% of times (doing that now with FF VI. Seriously, how boring). It is mostly a matter of hitting and sometime healing. Then there are the bosses and it gets a different story. All RPG elements are there, and FF XIII-2 is even more complex than other adding all the monsters. Everything fit together and plays SMOOTHLY, without glitches, hic-ups, nroken cameras or controls because of the excellent quality of the impementation and also being fun. More for some than others. How can a reviewer end up trashing a game like this? I am not saying everyone should give an 80, 90 or even 100. But if one doesn't like the game it still can't go below 70.

Now I read that also EDGE gave a 5/10. Well, those are the same jerks that gave FF X a 6/10!!! To FF X, probably the best FF game ever!! Lowering the Metacritic score. Doesn't anyone see that people like that should get another job? I want a mechanism for reviewing the reviewers then. These people have no rights to have their biased OPINION counted as a professional one. 

Do you actually read these reviews or just look at the score? The content is far more important than the score and the review describes all the positive and negative points quite well. Edges reviews are some of the most well-written, coherent and critical reviews in the industry, regardless of the score.

@ bolded

This is what's wrong with the games industry today. Such a ridiculous emphasis on metacritic scores and how reviews should only score in the 7-10 range. Step back and look at what you've written. Now try to look at that from the perspective of someone somewhat outside the games industry (if it helps, change the names to titles from a popular film series). It comes across as very immature which is how the games industry and its press are seen from the outside.